All 65 Oats products are produced of gluten-free pure oats cultivated by our carefully selected and audited contract farmers.
They are packed with good taste and nutrition. They are a beautiful balance of carbs, protein, soft fat and fiber as well as lots of vitamins and minerals. Thanks to their beta-glucan fiber, oats have EFSA approved health claims related to blood cholesterol, controlling blood sugar levels and benefits to digestion.
Always Finnish origin
The origin of all 65 Oats products is always Finland and our own contract farms. No GMO is used.
Tailored on request
On request and in sufficient volumes, our oat products can be tailored to your own requirements for example by thickness, weight or density. For more information on specific requirements, please contact us.

No oats go to waste
We put everything to use; no part of the oat goes to waste. Everything that does not end up on people’s plates will be used as fodder and everything that is not used as fodder will be used as a source of energy at our own mill or for district heating for the residents of our town.
Certified gluten-free and organic
All 65 Oats products are certified gluten- free by Association of European Coeliac Societies (AOECS) and labeled with the Crossed Grain symbol. Our organic products are certified according to EU Regulation by the Finnish Organic Certification and Inspection Body Ruokavirasto, former Evira (FI-EKO-201). Also, we have been granted the FSSC 22000 Food Safety Management Certification, which is part of the mill’s commitment to responsible operations and food safety management.
Certified Kosher and Halal
All our milling products are also available as Certified Kosher and Certified Halal.

Our products

Jumbo Oat Flakes
Gluten-free, dehulled, cleaned and dual heat-treated, evenly-sized whole grain oat groats that are rolled into large flakes. Absorbs moisture slower than rolled and quick oat flakes.
15 kg paper sacks / *big bag

Pressed Oats
Gluten-free, dehulled and heat-treated whole grain oat groats that have been pressed thicker than flakes. Slow to absorb moisture.
15 kg paper sacks / *big bag

Rolled Oat Flakes
Gluten-free, dehulled, cleaned and dual heat-treated whole grain oat groats that are cut and rolled into flakes. Fast to absorb moisture.
15 kg paper sacks / *big bag

Quick Oat Flakes
Gluten-free, dehulled cleaned and dual heat-treated whole grain oat groats that are cut and rolled into thinner flakes. Fast to absorb moisture.
15 kg paper sacks / *big bag

Steel Cut Oats
Gluten-free, dehulled cleaned and heat-treated whole grain oat groats that have been cut typically into three pieces. Slow to absorb moisture.
25 kg paper sacks / *big bag

Whole Oat Groats
Gluten-free, dehulled and heat-treated whole grain oat groats. Very slow to absorb moisture.
25 kg paper sacks / *big bag

Whole Oat Flour
Gluten-free, cleaned, dehulled and kiln toasted whole grain oat groats ground into whole oat flour.
25 kg paper sacks / *big bag

Oat Flake Flour
Gluten-free, cleaned, dehulled and kiln-heat-treated whole grain oat groats that are first steamed and rolled into flakes and then grinded into oat flake flour.
20 kg paper sacks / *big bag

Fine Oat Flake Flour
Gluten-free, cleaned, dehulled and kiln heat-treated whole grain oats that are first steamed and rolled into flakes and then grinded into fine oat flake flour.
20 kg paper sacks / *big bag
Paper sacks and big bags
All product varieties are available in both regular and organic versions. Paper sack sizes are 15 kg and 25 kg, and big bag sizes vary from 700 kg to 1000 kg.

Our products can be fully tracked and traced back to the farm. On request, we can provide you with information about the exact farm and origin for your products.

Sample package
All product varieties are available as samples in two different sizes. Please contact us to order our product sample package.